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9,669 result(s) for "Yang Xiong"
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Bottom-up synthesis of chiral covalent organic frameworks and their bound capillaries for chiral separation
Covalent organic frameworks (COFs) are a novel class of porous materials, and offer great potential for various applications. However, the applications of COFs in chiral separation and chiral catalysis are largely underexplored due to the very limited chiral COFs available and their challenging synthesis. Here we show a bottom-up strategy to construct chiral COFs and an in situ growth approach to fabricate chiral COF-bound capillary columns for chiral gas chromatography. We incorporate the chiral centres into one of the organic ligands for the synthesis of the chiral COFs. We subsequently in situ prepare the COF-bound capillary columns. The prepared chiral COFs and their bound capillary columns give high resolution for the separation of enantiomers with excellent repeatability and reproducibility. The proposed strategy provides a promising platform for the synthesis of chiral COFs and their chiral separation application.
Insights into the historical assembly of East Asian subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests revealed by the temporal history of the tea family
Subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests (EBLFs) inhabit large areas of East Asia. Although paleovegetation reconstructions have revealed that the subtropical EBLFs existed in Southwest China during the Miocene, the historical construction of these forests remains poorly known. Here, we used the tea family (Theaceae), a characteristic component of the subtropical EBLFs, to gain new insights into the assembly of this important biome. Using a robust phylogenetic framework of Theaceae based on plastome and nuclear ribosomal DNA sequence data, the temporal history of the family was reconstructed. Data from other characteristic components of subtropical EBLFs, including Fagaceae, Lauraceae and Magnoliaceae, were also integrated. Most of the essential elements of the subtropical EBLFs appear to have originated around the Oligocene–Miocene (O–M) boundary. However, small woody lineages (e.g. Camellia, Hartia) from Theaceae were dated to the late Miocene. Accelerated net diversification rates within Theaceae were also detected near the O–M transition period and the late Miocene. Our results suggest that two independent intensifications of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) around the O–M boundary and the late Miocene may have facilitated the historical assembly of the subtropical EBLFs in East Asia.
Comparative chloroplast genomes of camellia species
Camellia, comprising more than 200 species, is a valuable economic commodity due to its enormously popular commercial products: tea leaves, flowers, and high-quality edible oils. It is the largest and most important genus in the family Theaceae. However, phylogenetic resolution of the species has proven to be difficult. Consequently, the interspecies relationships of the genus Camellia are still hotly debated. Phylogenomics is an attractive avenue that can be used to reconstruct the tree of life, especially at low taxonomic levels. Seven complete chloroplast (cp) genomes were sequenced from six species representing different subdivisions of the genus Camellia using Illumina sequencing technology. Four junctions between the single-copy segments and the inverted repeats were confirmed and genome assemblies were validated by PCR-based product sequencing using 123 pairs of primers covering preliminary cp genome assemblies. The length of the Camellia cp genome was found to be about 157kb, which contained 123 unique genes and 23 were duplicated in the IR regions. We determined that the complete Camellia cp genome was relatively well conserved, but contained enough genetic differences to provide useful phylogenetic information. Phylogenetic relationships were analyzed using seven complete cp genomes of six Camellia species. We also identified rapidly evolving regions of the cp genome that have the potential to be used for further species identification and phylogenetic resolution. In this study, we wanted to determine if analyzing completely sequenced cp genomes could help settle these controversies of interspecies relationships in Camellia. The results demonstrate that cp genome data are beneficial in resolving species definition because they indicate that organelle-based \"barcodes\", can be established for a species and then used to unmask interspecies phylogenetic relationships. It reveals that phylogenomics based on cp genomes is an effective approach for achieving phylogenetic resolution between Camellia species.
The activity of daily living (ADL) subgroups and health impairment among Chinese elderly: a latent profile analysis
Disability in aged people became one of the major challenges in China due to the acceleration of population aging. Nevertheless, there were limited methods to appropriately discriminate the degree of combined basic activity of daily living (BADL) and instrumental activity of daily living (IADL). The present study explored an empirical typology of the activity of daily living (ADL) and its association with health status among the elderly in China. Data throughout the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS) was retrieved and Latent profile analysis (LPA) was conducted to identify the subgroups of ADL for included elderly subjects. Multinomial regression was performed to detect the effect of identified characteristics with ADL subgroups, and the restricted cubic spine was drawn to show the changes in the relationship between age-specific ADL disability and BMI. The overall participants (n=8108) were divided into three ADL classes by LPA - 'no BADL limitation-no IADL limitation' (Class one, n=6062, 75%), 'no BADL limitation- IADL impairment' (Class two, n=1526, 19%), and 'BADL impairment- IADL impairment' (Class three, n=520, 6%). Compared with the participants in Class one, the oldest-old, living without spouse, lacking of exercise, short in social activities, having experience of falls, having comorbidity of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, decreased cognitive function, depression symptom were highly associated with Class two and Class three. Additionally, malnutrition and asthma were associated with combined BADL/IADL impairment (Class three), while illiteracy was only associated with IADL impairment (Class two). Furthermore, a statistically significant U-shape association was detected between age and BADL/IADL disability (Class three vs. Class two) as well as BMI and BADL/IADL disability (Class three vs. Class one). The elderly aged 80-90 with IADL impairment were less likely to evolve into combined BADL/IADL impairment, and the elderly who were underweight or obese may have higher risk of combined BADL/IADL impairment. A novel functional assessment was explored based on LPA, by which elderly people could be classified into three distinct classes of combined BADL/IADL. The predictors identified with particular IADL/BADL classes could draw early attention to the onset of functional disability and enlighten targeted interventions to address consequent problems of aged people.
Dual-stimuli responsive and reversibly activatable theranostic nanoprobe for precision tumor-targeting and fluorescence-guided photothermal therapy
The integrated functions of diagnostics and therapeutics make theranostics great potential for personalized medicine. Stimulus-responsive therapy allows spatial control of therapeutic effect only in the site of interest, and offers promising opportunities for imaging-guided precision therapy. However, the imaging strategies in previous stimulus-responsive therapies are 'always on' or irreversible 'turn on' modality, resulting in poor signal-to-noise ratios or even 'false positive' results. Here we show the design of dual-stimuli-responsive and reversibly activatable nanoprobe for precision tumour-targeting and fluorescence-guided photothermal therapy. We fabricate the nanoprobe from asymmetric cyanine and glycosyl-functionalized gold nanorods (AuNRs) with matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)-specific peptide as a linker to achieve MMPs/pH synergistic and pH reversible activation. The unique activation and glycosyl targetibility makes the nanoprobe bright only in tumour sites with negligible background, while AuNRs and asymmetric cyanine give synergistic photothermal effect. This work paves the way to designing efficient nanoprobes for precision theranostics.
Current Strategies and Potential Prospects of Nanomedicine-Mediated Therapy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are highly debilitating. IBDs are associated with the imbalance of inflammatory mediators within the inflamed bowel. Conventional drugs for IBD treatment include anti-inflammatory medications and immune suppressants. However, they suffer from a lack of bioavailability and high dose-induced systemic side effects. Nanoparticle (NP)-derived therapy improves therapeutic efficacy and increases targeting specificity. Recent studies have shown that nanomedicines, based on bowel disease's pathophysiology, are a fast-growing field. NPs can prolong the circulation period and reduce side effects by improving drug encapsulation and targeted delivery. Here, this review summarizes various IBD therapies with a focus on NP-derived applications, whereas their challenges and future perspectives have also been discussed.
Effect of Crystallinity of Polyethylene with Different Densities on Breakdown Strength and Conductance Property
In order to study the effects of the crystallinity of polyethylene with different densities on breakdown strength and conductance properties, this paper mainly tests the X-ray diffraction (XRD), different scanning calorimeter (DSC), direct current (DC) breakdown and conductance properties of low-density polyethylene (LDPE), linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), medium density polyethylene (MDPE), and high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and further analyzes the experimental results separately. The results show that an increase in the density of polyethylene leads to the continuous improvement of crystallinity, and an increase in crystallinity causes a significant decrease in the conduction current at the same field strength. The field strength corresponding to the two turning points in the conductance characteristic curve increases simultaneously.
The efficacy and safety of core decompression for the treatment of femoral head necrosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Core decompression (CD) is an important method for the treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH). Few articles investigate the influence of core decompression on outcomes of ONFH. This study was carried out to observe the safety and effectiveness of core decompression in the treatment of ONFH. A comprehensive literature search of databases including PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library was performed to collect the related studies. The medical subject headings used were \"femur head necrosis\" and \"Core decompression.\" The relevant words in title or abstract included but not limited to \"Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head,\" \"femoral head necrosis,\" \"avascular necrosis of femoral head,\" and \"ischemic necrosis of femoral head.\" The methodological index for nonrandomized studies was adopted for assessing the studies included in this review. Thirty-two studies included 1865 patients (2441 hips). Twenty-one studies (1301 hips) using Ficat staging standard, 7 studies (338hips) using Association Research Circulation Osseous (ARCO) staging standard, and University of Pennsylvania system for staging avascular necrosis (UPSS) staging criteria for 4 studies (802 hips). All the studies recorded the treatment, 22 studies (1379 hips) were treated with core decompression (CD) alone, and 7 studies (565 hips) were treated with core decompression combined with autologous bone (CD Autologous bone). Nine subjects (497 hips) were treated with core decompression combined with autologous bone marrow (CD Marrow). Twenty-seven studies (2120 hips) documented the number of conversion to total hip replacement (THA), and 26 studies (1752hips) documented the number of radiographic progression (RP). Twenty-one studies recorded the types of complications and the number of cases, a total of 69 cases. The random-effect model was used for meta-analysis, and the results showed that the overall success rate was 65%. The rate of success showed significant difference on the outcomes of different stages. The rate of success, conversion to THA, and radiographic progression showed significant difference on the outcomes of ONFH using different treatments. Core decompression is an effective and safe method of treating ONFH. The combined use of autologous bone or bone marrow can increase the success rate. For advanced femoral head necrosis, the use of CD should be cautious. High-quality randomized controlled trials and prospective studies will be necessary to clarify the effects of different etiology factors, treatments, and postoperative rehabilitation. Until then, the surgeon can choose core decompression to treat ONFH depending on the patient's condition. I Meta-analysis.
Interplay between Müller cells and microglia aggravates retinal inflammatory response in experimental glaucoma
Glaucoma, the leading cause of irreversible blindness, is a retinal neurodegenerative disease, which results from progressive apoptotic death of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Although the mechanisms underlying RGC apoptosis in glaucoma are extremely complicated, an abnormal cross-talk between retinal glial cells and RGCs is generally thought to be involved. However, how interaction of Müller cells and microglia, two types of glial cells, contributes to RGC injury is largely unknown. A mouse chronic ocular hypertension (COH) experimental glaucoma model was produced. Western blotting, immunofluorescence, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR), transwell co-culture of glial cells, flow cytometry assay, ELISA, Ca image, and terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) techniques were employed to investigate the interaction of Müller cells and microglia, and its underlying mechanisms in COH retina. We first showed that Müller cell activation in mice with COH induced microglia activation through the ATP/P2X7 receptor pathway. The activation of microglia resulted in a significant increase in mRNA and protein levels of pro-inflammatory factors, such as tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-6. These inflammatory factors in turn caused the up-regulation of mRNA expression of pro-inflammatory factors in Müller cells through a positive feedback manner. These findings provide robust evidence, for the first time, that retinal inflammatory response may be aggravated by an interplay between activated two types of glial cells. These results also suggest that to reduce the interplay between Müller cells and microglia could be a potential effective strategy for preventing the loss of RGCs in glaucoma.